Number Rumour
1 Don't go to Slaughterstone Square.
2 The Trolls of Kings Gate will let you pass for a price, but it will cost you an arm and a leg.
3 Queens Park Garden is filled with flowers unlike any you've ever seen, they glow with a strange colour to them and some people said they have immense healing properties.
4 Someone has been selling potions out of the old Reed Manor.
5 The Black Ivory Inn is up and running, and it sounds like business is booming tool here is an invisible wall surrounding the old Rose Theatre.
6 The Queen's Men run vicious fighting pits beneath Buckledown Row, which lead to their secret stronghold in the sewers.
7 The Queen of Thieves will grant any request within her power to whomever can survive a bout with her monstrous champion, but none so far have claimed the prize.
8 It's said the many gargoyles perched atop the City Walls come to life and attack any who dare attempt to scale the walls.
9 The strange fishlike folk in the sewers are quite friendly, and have saved many desperate explorers.
10 The Followers of the Falling Fire have gathered at Saint Selina's Monastery. It's deep within the Haze, so how do they manage to survive there?
11 Elias Drexel was a mighty general during the civil war, leading the Hooded Lanterns isn't even the first time he's tried to retake Drakkenheim.
12 The Archmage of Drakkenheim died when the meteor fell, and the Amethyst Academy has yet to appoint a true successor.
13 The Knights of the Silver Order have camped outside the city, I hear they have weapons that can torch a village in moments.
14 The Noble Man, in his noble home. Withered, old, and all alone. His stare can chill you to the bone, a pale man on a pale throne.
15 I heard there are delerium crystals the size of a horse within the crater. Imagine how much they'd be worth!
16 Deep beneath Drakkenhelm arc the remains of an ancient dragon. An old legend claims they may be resurrected in a time of need.
17 The Crown of Westemar has the power to grant the monarch's every wish.
18 A shrine to the Old Gods lies north of the castle, tended by an elfish druid with power over life and death.
19 A dwarven clan from the Glimmer Mountains has laid claim to a rich field of delerium south of the Crater.
20 Exploring the inner city is dangerous, and it's not just because of the monsters. Anywhere big chunks of the meteor landed are covered in the Deep Haze — the tower, the cathedral, the castle, or of course, the crater. It's a deathly fog that saps the body and clouds the mind... and that's only the beginning. What happens after — it's far worse.
21 Queen Lenores' favourite place to spend time was the grotto in the garden, where she houses many exotic flowers.
22 The inner city has become the hunting ground for a fearsome monstrosity known only as The Lord Of The Feast. All who dare enter become his prey.
23 A flock of harpies dwells in the Astrological Clocktower. They viciously attack any who trespass on their territory, but they are deathly afraid of cats.
24 Whispers say the ratlings serve a demonic god.
25 Many of the monsters lurking in Drakkenheim are in fact its former inhabitants, twisted by fel magic. They can be made docile by showing them a token of their former life.